
My name is Ty Kruse; a skier, scholar, and aspiring entrepreneur, and when I grow up I want to change the world but right now I'm still figuring out how. 

As a skier, I've been able to compete for the University of Nevada, Reno, Big Mountain Freeride team. Some highlights include competing in Freeride World Qualifier Collegiate tour events and making lifelong friends through shared passion and experiences.

As a scholar, I currently attend the University of Nevada, Reno. I'm a senior receiving my Bachelor's in Finance. Previously I attended Truckee Meadows Community College, Great Basin College, and the Academy of Arts, Careers, and Technology. 

As an aspiring entrepreneur, I want to create change with an emphasis on renewable energy, environmentally conscious materials, and efficient construction practices. I have dreams of starting a business in green construction. Although my idea is currently just that, an idea I hope to one day create something to change modern construction principles and practices.